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VITKOVICE partners with Elyctis to deliver ID reading solutions in Czech Republic and Central Europe
VITKOVCE IT SOLUTIONS a.s. has appointed Elyctis as their preferred choice for future ID projects building upon their experience in providing a quick and reliable answer to the needs of the Czech border police to take care of the influx of Ukrainian refugees.
PERTUIS, FRANCE, and OSTRAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC, January 24, 2023 – VITKOVICE IT SOLUTIONS a.s. has built a long experience in the development of IT projects for the Czech government and agencies as well as for private entities. In 2022, they selected and delivered Elyctis ePassport readers to the border police of the Czech Republic, which needed an ID reader able to process safely and efficiently the inflow of people at Czech Republic borders especially including Ukrainian refugees. The need for border police was to have a solution that allowed them to read passports and check the chips and biometrics with a single movement. In addition, given the context, the customer need was urgent, and thanks to an efficient supply policy in the context of the ongoing component shortage crisis, Elyctis was able to fulfil VITKOVICE’s need in due time. VITKOVICE has been able to integrate hundreds of Elyctis ID BOX One Desktop series and deliver them to Czech authorities. This performance has been achieved thanks to VITKOVICE’s longstanding experience in government projects associated with the ease of development provided by Elyctis SDK along with the support provided by the vendor.
VITKOVICE selected Elyctis half-page scanner solution for a combination of factors: Elyctis ID BOX One series readers provide a high level of performance, they can read and authenticate e-ID documents (e-Passports, e-visas and e-ID cards), in a smaller, lighter and easier to integrate form factor than full page scanners. The authentication provided by half-page scanners fits the vast majority of needs of government and private customers, for a price, which represents a fraction of the one of a full-page scanner. In addition, Elyctis ID BOX One Series readers are more user-friendly as reading a document is completed in a single movement, they do not require an additional power supply and are entirely manufactured in France, which is essential in times of supply chain crisis.
VITKOVICE IT SOLUTIONS a.s. participates in government projects in which they integrate Elyctis ID readers. Under these new projects, the readers will be used to read Czech national ID cards, resident cards and ePassports in the context of all government services.
Vladimír Měkota, CEO of VITKOVICE IT SOLUTIONS a.s. declares: « Elyctis is our number one choice for all projects in which we need to read ID documents: not only do they read and authenticate all kinds of ID documents (ID cards, ePassports, …), but they are readily available and cost-efficient, and we benefit from their support when completing our software developments using their SDK. »
Alexandre Joly, CEO of Elyctis, adds: « We are proud to have been selected by VITKOVICE for their needs for ID readers. We are ready to deliver our whole range of readers to them as we are confident, they will be successful in numerous new projects in the Czech Republic and in Europe more globally. »
VITKOVICE IT SOLUTIONS a.s. is a Czech company that builds on the innovative work of its predecessors who, more than 90 years ago, were involved in automated data processing in the engineering and metallurgical company VÍTKOVICE and always sought to help customers in their journey to reduce costs, streamline business process management and increase competitiveness. The company delivers solutions not just in the field of security, but also in Industrial Automation, Cybersecurity and Integrated Rescue Systems. For the design of solutions for customers, VITKOVICE IT SOLUTIONS a.s. uses partnerships with leading manufacturers of HW and SW so that it can always provide customers with the highest utility value of the solution.
More information at https://www.vitsol.cz/en/
Contact: Jan Sochor, project manager, tel: +420 602 487 191, Jan.Sochor@vitkovice.com
About Elyctis
Created in 2008, Elyctis mission is to supply system integrators with mobile and fixed hardware to access data of eIDs (NICs, passports, resident permits, driving licenses). The company specializes in the development, industrialization, production and marketing of readers and terminals dedicated to Secure Identity Documents including e-passports, e-ID cards, e-driver licenses, … The company, which now employs 25 people, has a longstanding expertise in eID projects, as well as hardware and software developments, especially in the combination of optics, antenna design, high security software and integration. Elyctis sells its products through its network of distributors and systems integrators, to whom it provides a development environment to facilitate the use of its readers. Elyctis is headquartered in Pertuis, France, and has a sales office in Hong Kong.
Alexandre Joly, Elyctis founder and CEO is a laureate of Reseau Entreprendre in 2011, and a laureate of the Reseau Entreprendre Ambition program in 2016.
More information at www.elyctis.com
Contact: Alexandre JOLY, CEO, +33 6 27 71 37 68